
Monday, October 22, 2012

Anthro Inspired Hair Ties

So cute right?  I fell in love with these little elastic bands instantly. I mean they are cute and they don't crease your hair. Plus they look cute on your wrist. Then I looked at the price...They weren't that bad, but I knew I could make my own easily, pick out my own colors and patterns and save money!!
So here is my version. Cheap, easy and the same thing!

This is how I did it...  I cut a 7-8" piece of elastic in my own color choice and tied the end together with a knot, and them pulled the ends really tight.

Tada!  Stinkin' cute and easy to replicate!  You could also make the cute headbands!!!


This post is linked up to Not Just a Housewife, Kathe with an E, Adventures of a DIY Mom, Chef in Training, Gunny Sack, Sewing Barefoot, Success U, and Crafty Soiree. You can find links to all of these lovely blogs under the page Linking Partaaays! Go visit and share the love!

1 comment:

  1. This is a perfect example of something to make rather than buy :) Love it! Have a great weekend.

    Shannon @ Sewing Barefoot


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