
Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Top Pins of the Week #5

Here they are again! My Top Pins of the Week! This is one of my favorite posts to do.  There is so much creativity out there and I love showing you my favorite pins. Soap box moment for me, when you pin something go and look at it eventually. Most of the stuff from Pinterest is from some cute blogger who has a ton of other great ideas too, so go have a look!  Now that I'm off my soap box, here they are!!

This looks seriously delicious! I love guacamole and salsa soooo this is a perfect mix for me! Check out the recipe and make your own!

So yummy and so easy! Make some for a quick and yummy Halloween or Fall inspired treat!

 This is a perfect way to organize hubs hats! This would eliminate the problem of where to put them as well as the clutter and them ending up all over the house  (I found one balanced inside a lamp shade once...I kid you not)

This is an easy and delicious way to make your own bagels. I tried this one out last week and I can't tell you how delicious it was to pull bagels fresh from the oven for breakfast.  Easy and fairly quick!

I love my Bare Minerals BUT since I am much more budget conscious now as a married chick it's not always that budget friendly. I like many others who use Bare Minerals tend to go through the Mineral Veil quickest of all...So now problem solved, make your own mineral veil for like 5 cents instead of 20 bucks!!

These look chocolatey and delicious.  Nuff said.

So there you have it folks my favorite pins for this week! I think I was hungry this week, can you tell?! Check these great ideas and recipes out and I know they will be some of your faves too!


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